A Nurse’s Balance: Work and Life

A Nurse’s Balance:

Work and Life 


She comes home exhausted, a blank, far stare

Twelve hours of work, Twelve hours of care

Her feet are swollen from the miles paced

Insurmountable odds the patient faced

Drips, drops, and drains

Stretching skills and brains

Orders checked twice

Measurements precise

Not forgetting the person

Whose body seems to worsen

An art and a science intertwine

Seeing both their passion and IV line

Dripping with medicine’s greatest advances

Yet, family uncured from their stolen chances

She prepares pain meds, through syringes she gives

And despite her wisdom, she hopes he lives

She delivers her shoulder to all who need

A tender gesture, the family concedes

She watches the monitor. He gives his last breath

She watches the family, grieving his death

The family leaves; and with dignity she bathes

His body with soap, his soul with faith

Her shift is over, she is startled by a sound

Her gaze shifts as her toddler runs around

She is home in comfort, but her mind aloft

Brought back into the present, her baby’s hair so soft

She tucks him into bed, and kisses him goodnight

Tomorrow is another day she whispers to moonlight

This nurse is up again at early dawn,

A new patient to care for, with a smile on

She braces herself to take on the day

Missing her son, and grieving the patient from yesterday.

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